Effective Tips for Homeowners Facing Residential Rat Issues - XTERMIGATOR REPORT

Dealing with a rat infestation can be a troubling and daunting task for many homeowners. Rats, including the common roof rats, can cause significant damage to property, contaminate food sources, and spread diseases, making it imperative to address the issue promptly. Understanding how to get rid of rats effectively involves more than just laying traps; it requires a comprehensive approach that includes sanitation, home fortification, and knowing the enemy well. The importance of tackling this problem cannot be overstated, as it impacts not only the structural integrity of homes but also the health and safety of its inhabitants.

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Wasp vs Yellow Jacket: Comprehensive Pest Control Strategies

Understanding the difference between a wasp and a yellow jacket is crucial for effective pest control and preventing unwelcome stings. These insects, though similar in appearance and behavior, demand distinct strategies for management and elimination. The significance of distinguishing between them goes beyond mere taxonomy; it's about recognizing the specific threats they pose and the best methods to mitigate these risks. This knowledge contributes to maintaining a safer outdoor environment and plays a vital role in preserving the ecological balance by controlling pests without harming beneficial insects such as bees.

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When it comes to handling a wasp or hornet nest on your property, your first instinct may be to grab a can of over-the-counter pesticide and attempt to "take care of it" yourself. There are a number of reasons we recommend leaving this to the professionals, and no - it's not so we can take your money! Read on to see some of the most common reasons that people turn to ABCO after a DIY-gone-wrong.

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A Glimpse into the Hidden World: Exploring Wasps' Nests Inside Homes

By Arnie Fishon, Founder of AAA Abco Termite & Pest Control, Inc. and Board Certified Termite Inspector

Have you ever encountered stinging insects in your home and wondered what their nests look like beyond those sturdy walls? Join us as we take a closer look at a fascinating discovery made inside a Long Island home, where a wasp nest with eggs and larvae were found in the ceiling. Chief Xtermigator, Eric S Fishon, shares his insights on this intriguing phenomenon.

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Termites on Long Island

By Arnie Fishon, Founder of AAA Abco Termite & Pest Control, Inc. and Board Certified Termite Inspector (One of Two)

I started in the pest control business doing a walking route in Brooklyn before I had my driver's license. Even back then, I remember my father saying to me, when the forsythia bloom, the termites swarm on Long Island. Ever since then when driving on the Northern or Southern State Parkways, and seeing the green forsythia turn yellow, I think of my Dad and termite swarms.

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Rodents in Manhattan Apartment

By Arnie Fishon, Founder of AAA Abco Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

The experts say there are more rats and mice in Manhattan than people. I remember, not too long ago, standing in the lobby of a 235-unit coop apartment building that we service on 145th street, talking to the doorman, and a rat ran from the sidewalk right into the building. So much for professional courtesy! I asked the doorman how often that happens. His response surprised me. Every time they do construction on the water mains or the sewers, the rodents seem to run wild.

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